euhh...tapi ya dari 5 album super junior, yang paling buat saya pengen nabok SMEnt adalah 5jib ini. kenapa?? guysssss... foto teasernya MasyaAllah itu baju masih setengah jadi udah dipakeeee
ini adalah sedikit penampakan foto2 mereka di 5jib. kalau mau lebih jelas silahkan dicari di omgug

berlanjut setelah mengeluarkan foto2, SMEnt lalu mengeluarkan teaser.. wohooooo untuuung konsep kostumnya tidak benar2 seperti itu ternyata, di video teaser mereka terlihat sangat TAMPAN ? GAGAH ? GANTENG ? KEREN? semuanya.

MVnya sudah keluar 2 hari yang lalu dan terakhir saya cek masih sejutaan yang sudah nonton, tapi ternyata pas liat blog kpop sudah mencapai angka 2 jeti booook. mereka sudah benar2 menjadi hallyustar. superstar.
nahhh... dicomeback stagenya kemarin ini yang membuat saya merinding disko. mereka tentu saja menyanyikan lagu andalah mereka Mr.Simple, selain itu mereka juga membawakan lagu yang berjudul SUPERMAN. bukan lagu super junior T, tapi lagu SUPERMAN yang mereka bawakan saat gayo daejun kemarin. inget doong??
ini kayaknya full versionnya deh.. soalnya nyampe 2 menitan lebih. pas liat mereka nyanyi ini dengan dance lambat2 keren ituu waaahhh bener2 asliiii kereeeen, tapi pas tau arti lirik lagu ini. behhhh.... makin saluuut kereeen (dan narsis? hehehe), ini saya kasih English Translationnya okkaaayyyy.
When i am coolly dancing in the group that’s one of a kind in the world and uniquely moving the world
When i am coolly dancing in the group that’s one of a kind in the world and uniquely moving the world
All the elfs in the world fall fall fall for me
Run run run to me
Let’s rejoice in this moment together
All the elfs in the world fall fall fall for me
Run run run to me
Let’s rejoice in this moment together
I (emotionally) touch those people that have genuinely, quietly loved me
I (emotionally) touch those people that have genuinely, quietly loved me
There haven’t been moments where i’ve said useless things or not been truthful
There haven’t been moments where i’ve said useless things or not been truthful
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Now, now, now, who is it?
Now, now, now, who is it?
So why do all of you look back when i am right here
Who the hell are you looking for
I am Shindong
So why do all of you look back when i am right here
Who the hell are you looking for
I am Shindong
Should I pluck the stars for you, count them
One, two, three
With the stars we’ve lost
We are thirteen stars
Should I pluck the stars for you, count them
One, two, three
With the stars we’ve lost
We are thirteen stars
But we are not lonely, we have SM family and ELF
But we are not lonely, we have SM family and ELF
don’t be disappointed, don’t judge/betray us
you have already become drunk by the super holic
don’t be disappointed, don’t judge/betray us
you have already become drunk by the super holic
Try singing the song, and now even follow the dance
Let’s get excited together
Try singing the song, and now even follow the dance
Let’s get excited together
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our scale is the best and our scale is the best
Everything has to be the best
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
Our passion is the best and our concentration is the best
Who would be able to say we’ve finished
Super Junior is only missing the ‘man’ from the name of ‘superman’
When your heart is sad, when you want to listen to a song,
When you need something to lift your spirits up,
We are next to you, let’s all come together
When your heart is sad, when you want to listen to a song,
When you need something to lift your spirits up,
We are next to you, let’s all come together
Super Junior
We are super super superman
Super Junior
We are super super superman
When you’re very bored and surfing the internet, if you just type in ‘super’ our results will come come out
We are always by your side
Scream it out
When you’re very bored and surfing the internet, if you just type in ‘super’ our results will come come out
We are always by your side
Scream it out
Super Junior
We are super super superman
Super Junior
We are super super superman
Even if they don’t know of us, we try our best every day
Even if they don’t know of us, we try our best every day
If they question who who who we are, we show them our results
If they question who who who we are, we show them our results
Even if the road we walk is barren,
We are in the end, Super Junior
Even if the road we walk is barren,
We are in the end, Super Junior
gimanna ELFs, keren tak ??!! BANGEEETTT
buat situs2 yang lagi sakit.. puthe, ana, ulmi.. ayoo ayoo semangat yaaa cepat sembuh. jangan biarkan sakit hinggap lama lama. SERAAAAANGGGGG !! love yaaaa :))
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